Thursday, November 15, 2007


Welcome to Treat Yourself SF, my blog of my favorite restaurants, bars, and clubs for you to discover in San Francisco. This city is one of the most expensive places to live and to experience in the U.S., if not the world. Students and people on a budget like myself need to know where to find affordable places to eat, drink, and go out that are still unique, good-quality, and fun. This blog will be updated frequently with new recommendations on various places around San Francisco. Interaction is a key element in recommending places, so if you happen to visit one of the establishments I review or have been there before, please comment on that post about your experience. One of my favorite aspects of living in San Francisco is the wide variety of places to experience, all in individual neighborhoods that make this city truly awesome. I encourage feedback and other recommendations as well. If you know of a great restaurant or bar, share it with everyone else! Whether it be a tacqueria in the Mission, a sushi bar in Nob Hill, a dive bar in the Haight, or a warehouse-style club in SOMA, there are endless options available in San Francisco.